Olivella's Blog

How Olive Oil Nurtures Your Body From Inside Out
The use of olive oil has become a very popular product in helping people not only feel great, but look great, too. This black horse of the wellness industry has gained acclaim from those that use i...
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5 Essential Skincare Ingredients to Help You Stay Youthful
There are so many products out there that claim to have anti-aging properties, and people can’t help being curious about every new life-changing ingredient claiming to be better than the last. In f...
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The Benefits of Using Olive Oil for Acne
Raiding your mom’s bathroom cabinet as a kid never seemed so fun… Until you pulled the olive oil from the Bloomingdale’s bag your mom brought home. Moira Hodgson’s 80s New York Times article featu...
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Benefits of Oleuropein and Hydroxytyrosol
Olive leaves and Olives are rich in the antioxidants Oleuropein and Hydroxytyrosol. Studies have shown that oleuropein, the main component of olive leaf extract, accelerates wound healing while hyd...
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